Hi Everyone ,
Ermmm i'm here to post somethings on DYNAMICS n some others thing ....
Symbol ___Term___ Meaning
ppp--- Pianississimo--- Very Very Soft
pp--- Pianissimo--- Very Soft
p--- Piano--- Soft
mp--- Mezzo Piano--- Medium Soft
mf--- Mezzo Forte--- Medium Loud
f ---Forte--- Loud
ff--- Fortissimo--- Very Loud
fff--- Fortississimo--- Very Very Loud
> decresc.--- Decrescendo--- Gradually becoming softer
dim--- .Diminuendo--- Gradually becoming softer
< >--- Messa di voce--- Becoming louder then softer
Tempo Terms .
Grave - Very Slow
Largo, Lento - Slow
Larghetto - A little faster than Largo
Adagio - Moderately Slow
Andante - "Walking" Tempo
Andantino - A little faster than Andante
Allegretto - A little slower than Allegro
Allegro - Fast
Vivace - Lively
Presto - Very Fast
Prestissimo - Very Very Fast
Moderato - Moderate(ly)
Molto - Very
Accel., Accelerando - Gradually becoming faster
Rit., Ritardando - Gradually becoming slower
Hope that u all can really MAKE FULL USE OF IT ....
Take down in all the songs that we r playing ....
SO , work hard n try to bring home ur instruments ...
signing off,